Top 5 Diet Mistakes For Healthy Glucose Level

Diabetes You see a lot in the news about the supposed best and worst diet plans. Media folks typically rank diets for taste, amount of weight loss, safety, and nutrition quality. Results vary. But what I want to talk about are the common mistakes I see people making when following popular diet plans. I’m not saying these plans are necessarily bad (or good), but I want to point out some of the unhealthy mistakes people make when they “go on a diet.” Here are some I see frequently in my patients:


PRICE $30 BOX DIMENSIONS 80.0mm (L)x65.5mm (W)x87.0mm (H) BOX CONTENT 30 capsules NET WEIGHT 500g BUY NOW FENFUROTM is a group of furostanolic saponins, derived from fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) by innovative process. One of the most important properties of fenugreek seed extract is blood glucose level lowering property. Various studies have investigated blood…

HbA1C has improved over the last 3-4 months. In Jun 2013 it was 9.0 and last week it has come down to 7.5.
FENFURO was added as a supplement to the existing medicines. Will continue usingFENFURO and check after 3-4 months.

Srinivasan Mudaliar, Bangalore

I would like to inform you that my doctor was amazed after looking my reports. i got drastic change in my sugar level. My Hba1c was very high but now it come down to normal range.

Daulet Singh

My wife is taking these capsules from last six months & she has stop her allopathic medicine & feeling very energetic and now she is taking only fenfuro.Earlier her fasting glucose level was 180-200 But now it comes into normal range. Great Thank to your team for this wonder product.

K.S.Chauhan, Faridabad

Sir Please find hereby,blood reports Dated:30/10/2008,Before starting your medicine and new report Dated:1/11/2009. I started taking your medicine from 8/8/2009.And was checking the result on my acqua check machine.In August 2009,my fasting sugar was around 220 average,which has came down to average 120 to 140. At present i am taking Glycomate M2 morning and evening along wth your medicine in morning after breakfast.

Deepak Chawla, New Delhi

2 months back i check up sugar fasting 283,P.P 450 and HBa1c 10.02.and i startedfenfuro as per your instruction taking 2 capsules a day. now i already completed 90 capsules.before 2 weeks i again check up , the result is fasting 127, P.P 181 and HBa1c what to do? i have to take as usual or i have to change the dose. pls give me instruction.

Harshad Kothari, Kolkata

Your product is very effective….
Good results….
The only demerit being the high cost….
Keep doin the good work

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma